Following a long campaign by Councillors and community activists, including Conservative Councillors Richard Mills and Geoff Davis, Conservative led Surrey County Council has agreed to place a new pedestrian crossing on Epsom Road next year, around the Lower and Upper Edgeborough Road junctions.
This is welcome news, as currently there are no crossings on Epsom Road between Boxgrove Road and Waterden Road. This new crossing will benefit parents and children going to the local schools and nurseries, commuters on their way to London Road station, and pedestrians in general.
Local campaigner, Alex Fiuza, says "The pedestrian crossing set to be put in on Epsom Road, and the new crossing on Cranleigh Road, show that Conservatives on the County Council take road safety and residents' concerns seriously."
Alex will ensure the new crossing on Epsom Road is delivered, and he will consult further with residents and the County Council about the possibility of a York Road crossing.