Conservative-run Guildford Borough Council has issued a response to plans submitted to develop Dunsfold Aerodrome.
Cllr Matt Furniss, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Infrastructure, has written to local parish councils that could be affected by any development.
He said: "As part of discharging our legal duty to cooperate Guildford Borough Council is committed to working with you to explore and maximise opportunities for meeting objectively assessed development needs across the housing market area in a sustainable way. Notwithstanding this we are concerned that, based on the information provided, we are not able to properly assess the impact of development traffic on the roads within our Borough and accordingly we are not able to support the application at this time.
"We are happy to continue to work with you and the applicant to addresses these concerns and we will also consider whether land within our ownership may help achieve this provided that any adverse impacts of doing so are adequately mitigated and funded by the developer. We are not able to advise on the limitations or implications of any restrictions placed on the Common Land and the applicant should seek advice on this matter."