Congestion Charge Warning

The Lib Dem/R4GV controlled Guildford Borough Council is considering a Congestion Charge for Guildford Town Centre.

At their Executive Council Meeting on 22nd September 2022, "Stage 2 Report - Transport Strategy - Shaping Guildford's Future" was presented to the Executive members. The report recommends the introduction of a Road User Charging Scheme (so called Congestion Charge). The report states "A charge is likely to be very effective in advancing the transport strategy for the town centre masterplan, and a simple scheme across the river could be introduced under existing legal powers and with existing technology." The full report can be found by clicking this link: Stage 2 Report - Transport Strateg. Further information can also be found here: -

Following the presentation of the report, Executive Council members voted to approve £3.070m to deliver Stage 3 of the programme. All the papers presented to the meeting and the minutes can be found at this link: Executive Council Meeting 22 September 2022.

Guildford Conservatives believe a Congestion Charge will harm our town centre shops and businesses. We want to attract visitors for shopping and leisure, ensuring a vibrant and successful town centre.

If elected in May, Guildford Conservatives will protect Guildford from a Congestion Charge. And we’ll make parking charges fair, with a plan to introduce £1 per hour parking charges in the town centre.

Only a Conservative run council will ensure our local businesses are protected.