We are pleased to invite you to attend a New Members' Drinks Party on Friday 26th July, 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Worplesdon Memorial Hall.
This is an opportunity for new members to meet the rest of our members and our MP, the Rt Hon Anne Milton. We hope that our more long-standing members will attend to welcome our new members.
Earlier that week we will have welcomed a new Leader of the Conservative Party, so there is certain to be some lively conversation and Anne will give her unique insight into how our new Prime Minister will shape policy in the months to come.
This event is free to attend and complimentary nibbles will be provided. There will be a paid bar and raffle. You are welcome to bring a guest. Please click on the link below.
We look forward to seeing you on the 26th July.
Best wishes,
Sallie Barker
Deputy Chair Membership and Fundraising