We are delighted to return to Bramley Golf Club for an informal summer BBQ with special guest Rt Hon Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport.
Chris Grayling is always a popular speaker and his last event with us attracted 100 guests to dinner before the 2015 General Election. Now with an even bigger department to manage, he has his finger on the pulse of some of the big issues affecting Guildford and the surrounding villages. The third runway at Heathrow, a solution for the A3 junction in Guildford and the problem of traffic in and around our rural areas are some of the problems he is currently work on.
Always combative, concise and a bulwark of new centre-right thinking, Chris Grayling is a guest not to be missed at this more informal and discussion-focused evening. Tickets at £39 include five different options off the BBQ, salads, sauces and puddings.
For more information, please call 01483 300330.