Guildford Borough residents will pay less than a penny extra a day, under the Council’s 2009/10 Budget finalised on Thursday. This year’s council tax change is only 2.46%, equivalent to £3.40 a year extra on a Band D bill.
• This is despite the economic downturn and historic low interest rates reducing income to the Council. Yet the budget also includes a new £200,000 Credit Crunch Fund and support for a new Surrey Credit Union, to help local businesses and residents during the recession
• Since the current Conservative administration took over in 2003, the Borough Council has moved from one of the highest council taxes to the 2nd lowest council tax in any district in Surrey (and is catching up fast on Runnymede, currently the lowest). This is the sixth Conservative budget in succession which has been at or below current rates of inflation.
• Guildford Borough Council keeps only 10% of the overall council tax it collects in the annual bill sent to residents.
Cllr Andrew Hodges (Christchurch), Leader of the Council , said: “Guildford Conservatives are keeping to our manifesto commitment of keeping council tax down, whilst protecting frontline services across Guildford. Despite the credit crunch, we have kept council tax rises to just one penny extra a day, while providing more financial support to struggling local firms and residents.”
The responsible financial planning was in stark contrast to a last-minute, Liberal Democrat amendment tabled at the meeting of Full Council on Thursday. Half an hour after the start of the meeting, an amendment was tabled, proposing to make savings from council restructuring and cutting budgets. Yet no detail was provided on how such savings could actually be delivered.
At the Council meeting, it was also pointed out that in a previous Budget, Liberal Democrats demanded ripping up the Council’s investment strategy and putting assets in higher risk, higher return deposits. Had this poor advice been followed, this would have exposed Guildford Borough Council to Icelandic banks, and created a financial black hole for the Borough.
Cllr Tony Rooth (Pilgrims), Lead Member for Finance & Resources, said: “When Liberal Democrats last ran the Council, council tax went through the roof. By contrast, every year, Conservatives have kept council tax down and protected services. The publicity-seeking Liberal Democrat amendment isn’t worth the back of an envelope it’s written on.”