The Department of Health has published the ‘Health Profile 2011’, a regional research paper conducted by the Public Health Observatories of England. It gives a breakdown of the health profiles of all local authorities in England and it is designed to help local government and health services understand their community’s needs, so that they can work to improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities.
The breakdown of Guildford and Waverley shows mostly positive trends with a year on year decline of early death rates from cancer and heart disease, and low deprivation rates comparative to the rest of England. Life expectancy in both boroughs also exceed the national average.
Commenting, Anne Milton, Member of Parliament for Guildford, said: "I’m very happy to see that in Guildford and Waverley we are succeeding in bringing down early death rates from cancer, heart disease and strokes. It is extremely positive to see year on year improvements in most areas of health locally, in most cases exceeding the national averages, and I am very hopeful that this will continue."
She added: "This invaluable research will help local government and health services to target resources where they are needed more effectively and efficiently. However, our children are not as physically active as other areas, and we have a greater problem with road injuries and deaths than most other places. We also need to be aware of the risks associated with drinking."
The full report can be found at: