On Friday 6 December, Anne visited Tillingbourne School for a short assembly to award prizes to the winner and runners up of the Christmas Card competition. The competition was to design a Christmas card for Anne and was open to all pupils, 12 years and younger at schools in Guildford.
Anne was delighted to announce Ellie of Tillingbourne School the winner for her design of a snow globe with skaters.
Congratulations to the runners up for their designs. The runners up are:
Puttenham C of E Infant School
(Tree with presents and stockings)
Weyfield Primary Academy
(Robins, Tweet Tweet)
Guildford High School
Guildford Grove Primary School
Guildford Grove Primary School
Anne Milton MP said: ‘I have received a huge amount of entries and all the children put in a huge effort. I received some wonderful, colourful and interesting designs - it was very difficult to decide between them all! I am delighted to award prizes to Ellie, the winner of this year’s competition and also to the runners up. Well done to all!’